Mine Waste & Tailing

Carbon monoxide poisoning is a common problem faced by the workers of coal, gold and many other mines. On the other hand cyanidation problem occurs in gold mines only during ore processing. Current safety systems for mine workers, only monitors environmental concentrations of gas. This is insufficient because toxic exposures effects people at different levels based on their immunity levels. During mining process CO can be emitted which is an odourless gas and lighter than air, it cannot be sensed by workers and effects the haemoglobin range in the body so a CO gas sensor is implemented here in order to detect CO, if the density of CO exceeds inside the mines then the exhaust fan can be switched ON automatically. Recent research on environmental and social risks and business costs in the extractive industry found that environmental issues were the most common cause of disputes, resulting in lost productivity. International best practices and compliance standards have set the benchmark for mining companies together with national legislation.

The mining waste management market is estimated to be 173.64 billion tons in 2017 and is expected to reach 233.56 billion tons by 2022, at a CAGR of 6.1% from 2017 to 2022.